This string quartet is nicknamed "Quinten" because of the opening theme played by the first violin (descending fifths). It is written in 1797 (the Classical era) by Franz Joseph Haydn. It is one of the 83 string quartets that Haydn wrote. Op 76 has 6 string quartets - one of them became the national anthem of the Hapsburg Empire!
The first, second, and third movements are relatively unimportant. The first is tight and fast. The second is much slower, with an Italian term of Andante o piu tosto allegretto. The first is slow but harsh and strict (Witches' Minuet).
The fourth movement is the most important. It is also the fastest (Vivace assai). It has a time signature of 2/4, a form of sonata-allegro, and a key of d-, which changes into D+ in the middle. It has a folk-like (Hungarian) dance style with syncopated dance rhythms. Theme 1 is introduced by 1st violins with ascending perfect 4ths, strong syncopation and unexpected fermatas. Bridge shifts to the 2nd violin who is supported by a pedal point. Theme 2 modulates to F+ - it is a gentle duet between two violins including a descending sequence, some sudden dynamic changes, descending double-stops in first violin and wide descending leaps. The development uses Theme 2 material, has frequent shifts in texture with imitation, and includes a dominant preparation. The Recapitulation shifts from d- to D+ - the bridge and Theme 2 material are restated in D+. In the Coda, the triplet rhythm gives a sense of climax that gets very loud (fortissimo) in a unison ending.
Teacher's Comments:
Please eliminate the following phrases:
- The first, second, and third movements are relatively unimportant.
- The fourth movement is the most important.
Please note that the fourth movement is not more important than the other three, just that the exam syllabus wants it to be specified.
Teacher's Comments:
Please eliminate the following phrases:
- The first, second, and third movements are relatively unimportant.
- The fourth movement is the most important.
Please note that the fourth movement is not more important than the other three, just that the exam syllabus wants it to be specified.
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