Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Teacher's Score: 6.5/10

Written in 1725 by Vivaldi, this solo violin concerto is considered one of Vivaldi's best known works. It is written for a solo violin, a string orchestra and continuo. It is part of The Four Seasons, a group of  four programmatic violin concertos. Each of the concertos is accompanied by a poem describing happy events of that particular season. That is also the inspiration. It has terraced dynamics, which means that it is either forte or piano and no crescendo or decrescendo, something not uncommon for the Baroque era.

The first movement is very bright. Birds (staccato, trills, high scales) joyfully welcome spring while streams (whispering notes) flowed gently, followed by thunder and lightning (repeated notes, fast ascending minor scales). The basso continuo is improvised from figured bass. The solo violin is accompanied by a string orchestra (1st and 2nd violin, viola, cello). Fast scales and trills allow the performer to "show off".

The second movement is slower and smaller. The cello is eliminated, leaving the viola as the only bass voice. While the first movement is Allegro, the second is Largo. It evokes an image of a goatherd who sleeps "in a pleasant, flowery meadow" with "his faithful dog" by his side, who is represented by an ostinato rhythm in the bass of the violas. The 2 violins and viola serve as very sparse accompaniment while the solo violin is singing.

The third movement is the only dance that is in compound meter. It is named "Danza Pastorale" (Rustic Dance). Nymphs and shepherds dance happily in the fields. The violins play over sustained low strings (called drones) which sounds like bagpipes. Orchestral and solo violin passages alternate, forming a happy conclusion.

Teacher's Comments:
For Paragraph 1, include title, full name of composer, say "this piece is in the Baroque era".
For Paragraph 2, include key, tempo, time signature, and form. Include "represented by" in the three word painting examples. Say that it uses word painting.
For Paragraph 3, include key, tempo, and time signature. (form not available).
For Paragraph 4, include key, tempo, time signature, and form.

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